Living a simple intentional life requires lots strong principals on which one needs to stand in a world of excess; in a world of selfishness, and consumerism. This is what I try to teach in my posts. But it occurs to me that when it comes to our day to day lives, we need these principals at our fingertips to be able to handle making the right decision, or be in the right mental state, at a mere moments notice. After all, when the time comes when you need to apply a simple intentional life mentality, you are not going to dig in your brain for one of my long winded essays. That’s just ridiculous.
This is why it is important to take on a small set of life Mantras. At least one or two. Mantras are short phrases that serve to remind and keep us grounded in our values. They help us detach from stressful situations and bring us back to center, back to ourselves. They are often used even as a pre-cursor to meditation. They are a way to always keep our values at your fingertips; ready when we need them. Mantra’s should be memorized, spoken, and repeated often in order to keep us grounded. They should be short; one small phrase each. They should be kinda broad in their scope, as one small mantra that only applies for a very specific circumstance is not exactly a philosophy of life to live by.
I have read many minimalist mantra’s, but these are the ones I find valuable:
– Less is More
– Events happen the way they are supposed to
– I am enough
– Be kind always
– Love thy neighbor, love thy self
– Live in the moment
– Live intentionally
– Don’t apply judgment where love should be
– I can do this
– Never trust a hooker with cold hands (joking). …… hookers with cold hands are just as trustworthy as others (still joking ….. I wouldn’t know).
Pick one or more of these to hold on to in areas we may be lacking. In areas we don’t have the values available to us at a moments notice. Repeat them, and in the beginning, make time for them each day to instill the idea.