Shopping: Places to be “on guard”

It seems that no matter where we go outside our own homes, there is always merchandising. We can’t go anywhere without their being as small stand or shop where somebody is selling something. This is just the way capitalism works, and we gotta get used to it. A very difficult thing for an aspiring minimalist. Does that mean that we shouldn’t go out much? Of course not; minimalists are the most out going people I know. But we minimalists are human animals too, and just like other animals we tend to be attracted to all the wonderful flashy things that are being offered to us (depending on what interests us). It is for this reason that we must put on our “minimalist thinking cap” when we are in certain situations so we do not get caught up in making impulse purchase decisions. As no doubt we will encounter many situations where the temptation to consume is high, and we must realize that these things that attract us are just trinkets, do-dads, knickknacks, and dust collectors.


I recently encountered a situation where I had to use my “minimalist restraint.” And looking back, I am so glad I did.


I am very much a Sci-Fi Fantasy buff. Having been born into generation “X” I naturally became a Star Wars enthusiast. I also love Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, cosplay, Battlestar Galactica, BladeRunner, and a whole mess of other nerdy things. Heck, I meet with a group of friends of mine on a regular basis to play a fantasy role-play card game (Magic: The Gathering).

Last month I attended a ComiCon (Comic and Sci-Fi Convention), and like most conventions there were stands and tables set up everywhere selling toys, original signed art work, games, decorative pieces, costume accessories, and all kinds of interesting things. Temptation was high for me. But instead of giving in, I took a moment to remember my values. I took a step back and realized that almost all the stuff at this place that was being sold had one thing in common. IT WAS ALL USELESS. If I were to purchase any of these things, the most excitement I would have with them is at the time of purchase. Past that, I would take it home and let it collect dust somewhere; seldom would I gaze upon it again.

In the end I ended up having a really good time there because I was enjoying the show. I enjoyed LOOKING at all the cool and wonderful merchandise. I enjoyed seeing and listening to the special guests they had there. I enjoyed seeing all the costumes people were wearing. I had a really good time, and the only thing I purchased was an upstarting card game called “Ambyria”, which I intend to play frequently with my wife. I love playing games, and I feel better about giving my money to a kid trying get his game off the ground, then giving it to big business.


There are many common places where the merchandise is mostly knickknacks and dust collectors, but the temptation and/or sales pressure is high. These places are:

  • Conventions
  • Fares (County Fares and whatnot)
  • Garage Sales
  • Flea Markets
  • Online Subscription services for monthly box delivery (Lootcrate, 1up, Geek Fuel, etc)

The last one I would just suggest avoiding altogether. For the rest I would just suggest that we always keep one thing in mind for any potential purchase: “What am I gonna do with this once I get it home, and how often will I really use it?”


A minimalist makes purchases always with their long-term values and goals/passions in mind.

Action and Attitude

Love-1Everybody knows that having a positive attitude (a positive mindset) leads to positive action. But what amazes me still, is that this works in reverse too. Positive action leads to a positive attitude. Every single time. Don’t believe me? Just try it out.

No matter how bad you happen to feel at any particular moment, no matter how low and useless you may feel, make it a point to do something good for someone else. For no reason at all. It could be something as small as paying them a compliment. Or something bigger like helping them move furniture. When you take a positive action, and make someone else’s day a little better, you instantly feel a little better yourself. The reason for this is simple: You have a renewed sense of purpose. You realize that no matter how bad things are going for you, you still serve a purpose in being useful and valuable to others. We ALL always have a valuable purpose to each other as long as we are taking positive action toward each other.

I know it can be hard. Sometimes we can be so upset, that we can’t even bring ourselves to smile. Can’t even fake it. But I am gonna ask you to try though. Fake that smile. Be nice to people. Karma smiles upon you, and if you are nice to people, you will feel better, and life will improve.

Ode to the women of the world

symbol_venus-300x300On this mothers day I choose not to honor mothers alone, but all women.

I  believe that it takes a woman to make a man. I am a firm believer that the measure of a man is in how well he can please a woman (in all aspects). I believe these things because I am a very happy man, and all that I am, all that I have accomplished, is because of the women in my life.

All my life, the most influential people in my life, the most loving people, caring people, and reliable people have almost all been women.

I was raised by a single mom starting at the age of seven. My mothers deeply affectionate love, wisdom, and strength made me the man I am today. A man who is very emotional, and feels love very deeply, affectionately. A man of passion. This love, this passion, has brought me more riches in this life than I could have acquired via any other means.

My amazing wife has given me a life of joy. She motivates me, gives me purpose, support, and picks me up when I am down. She is the angel that saves me from self-doubt. She also happens to be the best mother I have ever seen.

My second mother (mother in law) has also been a pillar of support for me. She has, and continues to assist me in many sensitive matters. She gives her love and time to me freely. When my mother was stricken with Alzheimer’s disease, she stepped up to the plate to assist me in all matters with my mom. She also was quick to fill the role that my mom can no longer fill for me. She is a saint. One of Gods special chosen.

My daughter. My purpose. My little perfect angel. She picks up where my mom left off. How is it that all the love and affection I give to her, she gives right back to me? She keeps none for herself. He fills me up in a way I cannot describe. We are besties forever.

Women are the most beautiful thing this life has to offer a man. They are givers, nurturers, lovers, and companions. Do not ignore or reject them, embrace them. Do not take them for granted, compliment them. LOVE them. I assure you, all the love you give a good women will come back to you three-fold.

So to all the good women of the world, I am in awe of your beauty and power. I love all of you.