Embrace our differences

EmbraceDifference-300x225 I can write plenty about why we should embrace our racial, religious, and probably even sexual orientation differences. But I am sure it is not anything most of us haven’t heard before. So instead I will write about how rich and wonderful the differences in the sexes are, as I have never heard many people broach this subject before, and it’s a topic which I have a lot of affection for.


I remember as a boy hearing my mom saying “Ahhhh the differences” usually when she saw men doing “men things” and when she saw women doing “girly things” (as she described it). She took delight in observing sex specific behavior. She would be just as delighted as I was when she would buy me whatever new cool mechanical/electronic/weird toy came out. She would often watch me play very closely, with a big smile in her face, and she would say things like “boys toys are so much cooler than girls toys.”

On the other hand, she would also later on in my life (teenage years) delight in the behavior of girlfriends I had, and she would like being all “girly” with the girls. On more than one occasion, in my 20’s she would grab a tub of ice cream, bottle of wine, and hang out with my girlfriends; she told me to buzz off because it was girl time.

My mom was a firm believer that men were men, and women were women; That men and woman were very different creatures mentally. But more than anything, she believed that this is an absolutely wonderful thing. That although men and women don’t always understand each other, and or even communicate well, a man and a woman together in love are greater than the sum of their parts. That the way they compliment each other is amazing.

As I have matured to adulthood, I began to understand her affection for “The differences in the sexes” and I now share that affection. I enjoy watching my wife and 4YO daughter get manicures and play “dress up.” It’s just so endearing to me. I enjoy brushing my daughter’s hair, and telling her how beautiful she is. I enjoy holding my wife in my arms and telling her that she is my world. My girls are girly girls, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My message to both men and women is this:

I know it’s tough to make a relationship work.  Men and women are different in every way, so it may seem like you can never come to an understanding. Well I am here to tell you that you are missing out if you don’t try your damnedest to work it out.

Men: Do you think that she is irrational, and overly emotional? Maybe so. Well just remember that it is with that same unbridled passion that she gave her heart to you. Can you say that your love for her is so wild and free (I didn’t think so).

Women: Do you think that he is “pig-headed”, and won’t listen to a damn thing you are saying. That he is not making an effort to see your POV. Maybe true. But just remember that it is with that same steadfastness that he laid down the foundation for your home. He is your rock, your mighty oak; Immovable and reliable.



The car bra

bmw_E46ciJust this past week I happened to notice in the parking lot of the place I work, a car bra on a nice shiny BMW parked right in front of the building. I couldn’t help but contemplate why someone would possibly use such an accessory. I eventually came to the conclusion that this accessory is completely without actual purpose.

As I understand it, the purpose of the car bra is supposed to be purely cosmetic. It is designed to protect the front end of the car from the elements (dings, nicks, scratches) that will naturally kick up during traffic. This would have to be the purpose of it, as I believe we all would agree that the bra itself is far less visually appealing than the shiny finish underneath. So basically it acts as a shield or mask protecting the cars “good looks.” As the minimalist that I am, I would not be so consumed with cosmetics or fashion so as to purchase one of these for my car (no matter what car I happen to have). But minimalism is not for everyone, or maybe this person is passionate about BMW’s; It is not the fact that it is a cosmetic accessory that caused me to come to the conclusion that it is useless.

What did cause me to come to this conclusion, is the fact that the bra is on to keep something looking good, that we can’t see, just because the bra is on. Is not the reason we have good-looking things in the first place, so we can gaze upon them with some sort of pleasure as their image pleases our eyes. This “car bra principle” makes about as much sense as Brad Pitt wearing a mask all the time because he wants to protect his face from the elements, and keep his face nice and pretty. “Hey Brad. You don’t have a pretty face if no one (including yourself) ever sees it.” And the truth is, those who use a car bra seldom take it off, because it’s too much work to keep putting it on and off.

So why do they have one??? Vanity. Simple, useless, pointless, and ultimately self-destructive, vanity. A person with a car bra wants US to know that they have a good-looking car without actually showing it to us. They are willing to just accept the fact that their car is good-looking, without actually allowing them-self the pleasure of gazing on it. This is pompous.

I have officially labeled ” The Car Bra” as official proof humanities counterproductive ego.

The car bra is without fashion or functional purpose. I am even going to go out on a limb here and say that the owner of a car bra can’t possibly be a minimalist.


Ode to the women of the world

symbol_venus-300x300On this mothers day I choose not to honor mothers alone, but all women.

I  believe that it takes a woman to make a man. I am a firm believer that the measure of a man is in how well he can please a woman (in all aspects). I believe these things because I am a very happy man, and all that I am, all that I have accomplished, is because of the women in my life.

All my life, the most influential people in my life, the most loving people, caring people, and reliable people have almost all been women.

I was raised by a single mom starting at the age of seven. My mothers deeply affectionate love, wisdom, and strength made me the man I am today. A man who is very emotional, and feels love very deeply, affectionately. A man of passion. This love, this passion, has brought me more riches in this life than I could have acquired via any other means.

My amazing wife has given me a life of joy. She motivates me, gives me purpose, support, and picks me up when I am down. She is the angel that saves me from self-doubt. She also happens to be the best mother I have ever seen.

My second mother (mother in law) has also been a pillar of support for me. She has, and continues to assist me in many sensitive matters. She gives her love and time to me freely. When my mother was stricken with Alzheimer’s disease, she stepped up to the plate to assist me in all matters with my mom. She also was quick to fill the role that my mom can no longer fill for me. She is a saint. One of Gods special chosen.

My daughter. My purpose. My little perfect angel. She picks up where my mom left off. How is it that all the love and affection I give to her, she gives right back to me? She keeps none for herself. He fills me up in a way I cannot describe. We are besties forever.

Women are the most beautiful thing this life has to offer a man. They are givers, nurturers, lovers, and companions. Do not ignore or reject them, embrace them. Do not take them for granted, compliment them. LOVE them. I assure you, all the love you give a good women will come back to you three-fold.

So to all the good women of the world, I am in awe of your beauty and power. I love all of you.