Enjoy the Roller-coaster

I am always pointing out how we should be living a life of intention. How we should be planning out our time in an effort to cut out the clutter, and get more fulfillment.

This is all well and good, but even the most carefully manicured life has surprises that occur to COMPLETELY DISRUPT OUR PLAN. That’s what I like to call, “Life”.

While we should be creating a life of intention, let this not suggest that if we do it’s all going to be smooth and perfectly to plan. That’s just not realistic. If we get 75% of our plans to carry out just as intended, We’re doing great. But even at 75% (or even 50% for that matter), we’d still be living a more fulfilling life than if we didn’t carry out this intentional life.

Unfortunately living a life of intention can have us spoiled to expect that everything will always go to plan. Sorry kids, but the jokes on you. How we react to these changes, these “surprise occurrences”, is another part of this life of intention. We could continue to do what so many of us do and get angry, throw a temper-tantrum, give up, or force the result we want (at all cost); all of which is self sabotaging. Or, we can follow these rules:

  1. Accept that there are things beyond our control.
  2. Never lose focus on the things we can control.
  3. Be ready and willing to adapt to changes at a moments notice.
  4. Don’t Panic! (Direct from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

If we follow these rules, we will always get better results in every situation. Either we will get back on the planned track sooner, OR (and here is when things get interesting)…..


Our situation is changed ……. irrevocably. In this case holding to these rules is even more important.

But let’s take this one step further.


How about …….we make a slight modification to rule 1 in this case. How about:

  1. EMBRACE the fact that there are things beyond our control.

I have found that people that do this are much more adaptable.

In many ways, life is like a roller-coaster. Now we can choose to curse every dip, climb, and loop because it’s not part of OUR plan, or we can try to enjoy the flow, let it wash over us. In doing so we open our minds to new opportunities that present themselves in the new change. We can’t notice these opportunities if we are jaded, angry, or disoriented. We will have a better sense of awareness, and find value, find richness in potentially pursuing a new and different path.

Adaptability leads to opportunity.

A life of intention, of purpose

It occurs to me that perhaps there are those who don’t live a life of intention, mainly due to lack of purpose (Lord knows that was me right after college), and not so much due to excess clutter. This is a much bigger issue than clutter itself, as a person without a self defined purpose is looking for a purpose (even if they don’t know it), and will be easily swayed by the pressures of the society, the culture we live in.

Of course this is a culture that covets material possessions, and a “bigger” lifestyle, so it’s neigh inevitable that a person without a self defined purpose will turn to a life of excess, and get a false sense of purpose in that; A sense of emotional security. But I think we know that is just filler, or a place holder, where real fulfillment should be.

For those people, I wish I had an fool proof formula for finding their purpose; I really do.

However being a person of purpose and intention myself, and knowing many others with purpose/intention, I believe I can point them in the right direction:

  • Serve Others – No matter what we are driven to do, we will only get long term fulfillment out of it, if it is in the service of others. This comes from an instinctual need as we grow older to contribute to the world.
  • It feels good – The actual act of carrying out our purpose must be in some way pleasurable to us, not just the result. Otherwise it will just feel like work, and in time we will burn out; then our passion for it will fade.
  • We have a way to put our own signature on it – A lot of people do what we are gonna do. How are we going to do it in such a way that we can make our own personal mark.
  • We are motivated to do it – We must have the internal drive, the spark that keeps us moving forward.
  • We can surround ourselves with people that fuel our fire. – No matter how much we are motivated, we all need support. Keep people around that believe in our passion, and give support. Also, eject from our life those who drag us down. Get rid of all negativity keeping us from moving forward.

All these criterion must be met in order for one to have a passion worthy enough to be their life’s purpose, their intention. After that, just look to where our talents and humanity meet. We will find our purpose somewhere in that intersection.