It’s difficult to believe that I have been writing posts for two years now and this is the first time I am posting pictures of my home. Well the truth is, that we tend to me semi-private people, and were therefore kind of insecure about the idea of putting it all out there. It is also for this reason that I will not be posting any pictures of the bedrooms; there are some things that should still remain private. Besides ….. There is nothing to be gained from seeing a minimalists bedroom really. We also have a 5’X10′ deck through our dining room I won’t be posting any pictures of for security reasons.
So I’m going to take us through my small 825 square feet of sanctuary (our condo), room by room giving some general points of how I have laid everything out.
The entry way:
In the entry way of my home all we see is a coat rack and shoe rack to the left, mirrored closet to the right, and a stair case.

No pictures, no decor. Not that I have anything against pictures or decor (the rest of the rooms have it), but I prefer the entry way to be pretty plain.
At the top of the stairs is the main hub area (kind of like a hall way) that joins all the rooms together. There is really nothing to it, so a picture is not necessary.
The Living Room
Just a basic black, white, and grey look with color sprinkled in here and there. 44″ TV, Sony Stereo Receiver, Infinity speakers, a little play area for my child, and all the basic elements of a standard living room. the pictures on the walls plus the sofa set gives the room a NYC theme.

Plus an awesome Spider-man print. Besides the fact that Spider-man is awesome, he does go with the city theme.

So as we can see, I do have both prints up on the walls and decor on the surfaces, however both the wall and table top decor are minimal, with a great amount of space between them. I believe it makes the space look more elegant, and makes each piece of decor more noticeable; the pieces demand more focus. This is right in line with the philosophy “less is more.”
The Dining Room / The Office
Let me start by saying …. we don’t dine in here. We dine in the kitchen. This room is used mostly for computer time.

It also happens to be where I store my bicycles and cycling supplies.

I’m really big on Star Wars.

This side of the table is where I keep all my office effects, as well as my MTG supplies (I play Magic the Gathering). All these things fit neatly under the first leaf of the book shelf, unnoticeable from the other side of the room.

To me, an office is incomplete without a cork and white board.
The Kitchen

Simple, small, and everything I need. Nothing I don’t.
Bananas, an absolute must for a cyclist.

And this is where we actually dine. The table functions basically as a “kitchen nook” and folds out to a decent sized table.
The Bathroom
Not much to say about it. Just very simple, basic, easy. We like to keep an oceanic/arctic theme going in here.

Simple, but not plain. Perfectly functional, but easy to maintain. It’s my small slice of heaven.