Disney Vacation Packing

Welcome to my first video post. In this one I discuss how/what I packed for my 4 day, 5 night trip to Disney World. This is my first ever video post, so please excuse me if I seem a bit nervous. There will be more video posts to come in the future.

Minimalism at Disney

It always brings a smile to my fact when I see small examples of how technology improves convenience, improves efficiency. How technological advancements just fall into minimalism. I saw one such example this past week on my vacation to Disney World. Apparently when we booked our resort package for our stay, it entitled us to these groovy wristbands (mine is shown in this posts pic) that we would wear during our entire stay on the resort.

These wristbands serve to function as our access passes, and credit toward our amenities we purchased with our Disney package. No tickets, no vouchers, just these wristbands. We each got one. Furthermore, we have the ability to link the wristbands to our credit card. That way all charges on Disney real estate can be made using the wristband (not just those that are included in our Disney package). So the wristband essentially becomes our ID and currency during our stay on Disney real estate. No need to carry a wallet, none at all. How’s that for efficient?

As if THAT wasn’t minimalist enough, the look of the bands themselves is pure elegance. Sleek, simple, modern, very attractive.

Everyone who is included in the Disney package can receive their band in the mail before the time of their vacation (this is recommended). They can also choose the color of their band from an array of colors.

During my entire stay in Disney World, I acquired only three material possessions for myself to take home with me: A David Bowie T-shirt, a “build your own” astromech droid toy (don’t ask), and this wristband. Out of all of these things, the thing I most  value is the one souvenir I acquired before even going on the vacation.

Life is as complex, or as simple as we make it

Too often we forget that we have choices in this life. That our only responsibility is to ourselves, and to the commitments we’ve made so far.

There are pressures out there; pressures all around us. Pressure from our television, the radio, all our media channels, our parents, siblings, peers, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even total strangers.



Pressures about:

  • Where to live
  • How to live
  • What to do for a living
  • What kind of car to drive
  • What to wear
  • How to style our hair
  • Marriage
  • Procreating
  • Everything

Collectively they would have us believe that fitting a certain profile is necessary for existence. Well lets face it, we do have to adapt to the world in which we live. So conforming to much of this pressure is necessary for survival. BUT ……… once the basic needs of survival are met (food, water, shelter), the rest of our life is completely up to us.

But here’s the thing: The basic needs of survival are cheap. Real cheap. Meals, and a roof over our head can be simple, and do not require a complex skill set. Anyone with a good work ethic, two hands, and two legs can get a job, sleep in a modest residence, have three square healthy meals a day, and transportation.

Beyond that, we have the option to custom tailor our lives according to our desires. The first step is knowing what those desires are. The second step is putting together a plan toward getting there. The third is implementation of that plan (DO IT). Baby steps, always baby steps. With small celebrations in between each step.

Of all these steps, the hardest is the first step. Knowing what we want is difficult. WHY? BECAUSE OF ALL THE PRESSURES I MENTIONED ABOVE. We spend our entire lives with everyone telling us what to be, what to do, how to live. So much in fact, that so many of us unknowingly acquiesce to being told what we want, what we desire. These people often proceed to steps two and three, and ultimately to the goal and end up living miserable “successful” lives, never understanding why they are so miserable.


It is my belief that these people (and many others) do not realize the wide breath of options they have in this life. They do not realize that they have no obligation, no debt to anyone but themselves and their commitments.

Beyond survival, all else is optional. The world is our playground, and there are so many options.


Another thing that the pressures of society do to us, is numb us from noticing and enjoying the simple pleasures life has to offer. We’ve been so desensitized and distracted with information overload in the form of loud music, flashy games, sleek automobiles, poison fake food, and altogether just flashy images and products. We often miss the real gifts this life has to offer: A sunrise, a sunset, the warm touch of a lover, a pleasant conversation with a friend, the warm sunshine on our face, a cool breeze on our skin on a hot summer day, the feel of grass under our feet, the smells of nature, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, I can go on forever.

These are the simple but real pleasures this life has to offer. Simple, but far greater than anything that can be bought in a store, or seen on a screen. These are the pleasures enjoyed by those who choose a simple life. All these society pressures, these images, distractions, these complications, these illusions really, have no real purpose in the grand scheme of things. They serve only to divert us from the important things in life.